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007 NightFire (XBOX)

Quick Overview

You take on the role of James Bond and must save the world. The Phoenix International Corporation is focused on dismantling nuclear warheads throughout the world, but later evidence has been found that the CEO of the corporation, Raphael Drake, is using his company's concept as a means to find and use the warheads for his own purposes. Because his plans are so well hidden, it is up to Bond, with the help of Q and his gadgets, to stop Drake at whatever cost. Throughout the game, you will be taken to more than ten exotic areas, reaching all areas of the globe, confronting the beautiful Bond women. In your quest to stop the Phoenix Corporation, you have a variety of weapons available to you, from your trusty Walther to more advanced and prototype machinery. There are twelve total missions, all of which combine stealth, combat, and Q's trusty gadgets, such as your laser watch and X-ray eyeglasses.'

Additional Information

Boxed AFactory Sealed Product
Boxed BProduct Boxed & Complete with Manual
Boxed CProduct Boxed without Manual
DLoose Item